Aug 4, 2023
Reminder: NO PARKING along Joanleigh Dr 7:30a-4p....Klein ISD starts next week...don't forget!!
This is a friendly reminder that parking is restricted along Joanleigh Dr. from Cypresswood Dr. to Cypress Oaks between 7:30 a.m. and 4...
Aug 2, 2023
Lemm Elementary Enrollment Reminder
From: Lemm Elementary Dear Lemm and KISD Community, As we get closer to the students returning on August 9th, please make sure that any...

Jul 28, 2023
We have not seen any coyotes in several weeks nor have we seen any during the day or in the main park areas. All coyote activity has been...

Jul 27, 2023
Rivera Tennis Academy Open House - Saturday, July 29 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Are you interested in learning more about what Rivera Tennis has to offer or just want to meet the Rivera team? Here is your chance!!!...

Jul 25, 2023
Rock Wall Closed for Remainder of Summer 2023
Unfortunately, the Rock Wall at Forest Oaks Pool will be shut down for the remainder of Summer 2023 due to unrepairable cracks in the...

Jul 25, 2023
The Surface Water Supplied by the Authority is Safe to Drink - From NHCRWA
Recent Taste and Odor Inquiries Regarding Drinking Water The recent changes in taste and odor of the treated surface water being...