Forest Oaks Tennis and Pickleball
The Forest Oaks Swim & Racquet Club tennis courts are included in membership to the club, for either full or tennis only members. The club includes 8 lighted tennis courts and are open from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., seven days per week. Pickleball courts are lined on tennis courts 7 and 8 and are available for play between 8:00 a.m. and 9 p.m. daily. No pickleball can be played before 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m.
Forest Oaks Swim & Racquet Club is host to several men's and women's tennis leagues through Spring, Summer and Fall. The club is also home to Rivera Tennis Academy which is run by Alfredo Rivera and his team of amazing tennis pros. Please see the Tennis Pro section of the website for more information about his programs.
General Tennis and Pickleball Court Policies
General Usage
Use of the tennis and pickleball courts is limited to Club Members in good standing, their paid non-member guests, and visiting tennis league players for sanctioned league events against the home teams.
Members are limited to no more than two (2) paid guests and the guest passes must be purchased from the Forest Oaks Admin Office prior to use of the courts during normal business hours.
The tennis courts and pickleball are open each day of the week from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Forest Oaks Maintenance Staff clean and blow courts between 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. daily. They will work around any tennis players while performing their job duties. They may ask for tennis players to pause or move to another court so they can finish clearing all courts of debris.
Pickleball is allowed daily from 8:00 a.m. to 9 p.m..
All Club staff, tennis coaches, event coordinators and Forest Oaks Security Officers are given the authority to enforce all Club policies and rules.
Courts are to be kept clean and all trash must be placed in the receptacles.
Proper tennis etiquette will be used at all times.
Profanity, abusive and/or offensive conduct, throwing racquets, smoking, consuming alcohol, being under the influence or intoxicated are all prohibited.
Court Safety
Do not sit on or climb over tennis or pickleball nets.
Do not leave personal items unattended or scattered around the courts or in spectator areas.
Secure your valuables. Forest Oaks is not responsible for any personal items damaged, destroyed, or stolen.
Glass containers of any kind are prohibited from the facility.
Alcohol is not allowed without prior approval from District Manager.
Smoking is not allowed inside the facility gate. Tobacco free water vapor products may be used in the tennis area but we ask that you be considerate and aware of your surroundings and the presence of minors.
If the courts are wet, we encourage members to not play on the courts until they are dry. Large squeegees are located around the fencing.
If thunder is heard or lightning seen, all members and guests must vacate the tennis courts and seek shelter either in a vehicle, under the pool house pavilion, or in the main pavilion. Courts should remain clear for at least 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard or lightning seen.
Apparel Requirements for Tennis and Pickleball
Members and guests must wear appropriate clothing.
Upper body
The torso area must be covered at all times.
Lower body
Pants, shorts, skirts, yoga pants/leggings, yoga shorts must be worn at all times.
Closed-toed, athletic, non-marking shoes must be worn at all times.
Any shoes that leave marks on the court should be removed immediately and the individual should attempt to clean the marks from the court surface using tennis balls.
Access/ID Cards
At any time, Club staff or tennis coaches are authorized to check member ID’s and current Club access. This includes, but is not limited to, enforcing the Club membership policy, enforcing the guest fee policy, and escorting unauthorized persons from the Club.
If an access card does not work, either the member is not current on Club dues, has been suspended, or there is a problem with the access card. Anyone with a non-working card should come to the club office during normal office hours to clear the issue prior to continued use or access to the Club.
If an access card is cracked or damaged from normal wear and tear, a replacement access card can be provided at no cost during normal business hours. You must bring the damaged card to the office at the time of the request for a replacement card at no cost. If you do not bring the damaged card with you, you will have to pay the replacement fee.
Access Gates
Club members may use any of the three access gates to enter the facility.
Members are not allowed to open gates to allow any person to enter the facility that does not have an active access card.
All members are required to have access cards or member ID cards with them when using the tennis courts. It can be left with personal belongings but should be accessible when requested by Club staff, tennis coaches, or security officers.
All gates will remain closed and secured at all times, except during scheduled league events, and authorized special events. At such times, the back gate may remain open to allow the away league teams and event participants to enter and exit the Club. Team Captains are responsible for ensuring all access gates are closed and secured after all league play has ended.
Walk-in Tennis and Pickleball Courts
All courts are first come, first serve for usage.
Two courts will always be available for open rec or walk-in usage. This includes during Rivera Tennis programming or league play. Club special events authorized or organized by Forest Oaks are the only exception to the two-court availability rule.
Any tennis court not being used by walk-ins by 9:00 p.m. may be used by leagues and/or Rivera Tennis until close.
Use of Tennis Courts for anything besides tennis or pickleball:
Any activity that is not tennis or pickleball must be approved by the District Manager prior to the activity starting.
Any activity that could or will cause damage to the courts is prohibited.
Court Reservations
Reservations of courts is not allowed for open rec or walk-in usage.
Sheets for all court usage
A schedule of each court is available for members to sign-in for court usage.
Reservations for Rivera Tennis, tennis leagues, or other approved events are listed. Courts that are not reserved are available for members to sign-in for usage.
Failure to sign-in for court usage may result in another member signing up for the court you are on and getting immediate access due to your failure to sign-in.
All sign-in sheets are located on clipboards at the tennis shed.
If Rivera Tennis is using courts that have not been reserved (as shown on the sign-in sheets), please speak to a Rivera Tennis staff member and let them know you have signed in for court access to the appropriate court and they will move.
Time Limits for Court Usage
When all courts are being used, a time limit for walk-in courts will be in effect.
The time limit should be discussed by the participants on the court and the participants wanting to use the court next.
Common practice provides for:
Singles: 60 minutes
Doubles: 90 minutes
Pickleball: Courts A and B = 60 minutes and Courts C and D = challenge / open play courts
Court Participant Limits
No more than four (4) players are permitted per court.
Persons not engaged in the tennis or pickleball game are not allowed on the courts and must wait outside the fenced area.
No small children are allowed on the courts while “adult” play is in progress.
General Pickleball Court Policies
Pickleball Hours of Play
Pickleball may not start play until 8:00 a.m. on all days of the week.
Pickleball may not be played anytime after 9:00 p.m. on all days of the week.
Tennis/Pickleball Court Usage
There are no “pickleball only” courts at any time unless designated by Forest Oaks Administration.
All courts are first come, first serve for use for either tennis or pickleball play.
Pickleball is allowed only on courts lined for pickleball unless prior approval has been given by Forest Oaks Administration.
All players must sign-in for court usage. Failure to sign-in will result in you being asked to vacate the court for those who did sign-in. Players must sign-in in-person. Reservation of courts is not allowed for open play or walk-in tennis or pickleball.
If tennis is being played on court(s) lined with pickleball, then tennis players are subject to the time restrictions listed below.
If a tennis only court (1-6) is available for use, tennis players should switch courts to allow pickleball players access to pickleball courts, but if all tennis courts (1-6) are being used, then tennis players are subject to the time limits for court usage.
If a tennis court (1-6) becomes available during tennis play, tennis players may agree to switch courts at the tennis players’ discretion.
Courts assigned for programs, leagues, or competitions must be scheduled through the Forest Oaks Admin Office.
No more than four (4) players are permitted per pickleball court.
No small children are allowed on the courts while “Adult” play is in progress.
Any court issues can be addressed by Rivera Tennis staff (if present) or you can contact the Forest Oaks Admin Office.
Designated Pickleball Courts and Time Limits for Play
Players should sign-in for court usage before entering the courts. Time limits start when players enter the court to start play regardless of if all courts are being used at the time.
When all courts are being used, a time limit for walk-in usage will be in effect:
Tennis Singles: 60 minutes
Tennis Doubles: 90 minutes
Pickleball Courts A and B (singles or doubles): 60 minutes
Pickleball Courts C and D (singles or doubles): Open play / challenge courts if all courts are being used.
Open play / challenge court options: Stack paddles and winner stays until defeated, 2 on/2 off (singles), 4 on/4 off (doubles).
Tennis Leagues
The Club allows a limited number of leagues to utilize tennis courts for home matches for sanctioned league purposes.
Tennis leagues are coordinated by individual members who serve as captains for a team and competitions are scheduled through a league’s governing body. Court reservations for league home matches are submitted to the Forest Oaks Admin Office and scheduled as rentals by the team captains.
League schedules are posted on the message center near the tennis courts and are available to view at any time.
When leagues have home competitions, signage is posted on the smaller message centers next to court entrance gates. When scheduled, these league matches have priority use of the courts for the times scheduled.
All leagues are required to submit for and receive authorization to play at the Club prior to any upcoming league season (Spring, Summer and Fall). All teams are required to submit team rosters (for membership verification) and league schedules to the Club office prior to season start.
All league/team members must be either temporary tennis only or full regular/senior members of the Club. Non-members are prohibited from participating in Club home leagues/teams.
Only eight (8) teams will be accepted each season as home teams. Teams will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis each season with priority given to oldest and longest running Club teams.
On sanctioned league nights/days, leagues will be scheduled and assigned a maximum of four (4) tennis courts. No more than four (4) tennis courts will be authorized on league nights/days regardless of availability. The remaining four (4) tennis courts will be available for Rivera Tennis Academy (two courts) and for walk-in availability (two courts).
On sanctioned league nights/days if two teams are scheduled at home on the same night/day, one team will be scheduled for four (4) tennis courts and the second team will be scheduled for two (2) tennis courts. Two (2) tennis courts must remain open at all times for walk-ins. Team captains will meet and decide which team has four (4) tennis courts and which team has two (2) tennis courts. If the captains are unable to come to an agreement, then the District Manager or designated representative will flip a coin to decide tennis court assignment. If the same teams meet at home again during the same season, then the tennis court assignments will be assigned such that the team assigned four tennis courts will now be assigned two tennis courts and vice versa.
At 9:01PM and thereafter, leagues may use any and all open tennis courts until close. Prior to 9:00 p.m. two (2) walk-in tennis courts will remain available, whether members are currently using them or not.
League teams are allowed to practice outside of sanctioned league play time, but tennis courts will only be available on a first come, first serve walk-in basis. The Club will not reserve tennis courts for team practices.
Tennis Training - Rivera Tennis
To learn more about Rivera Tennis Academy, please visit their website.

Forest Oaks Tennis Courts

Forest Oaks Tennis Courts

Forest Oaks Tennis Courts

Forest Oaks Tennis Courts