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Wooden Easter Egg Decorating registration opens now!!! Get your paint ready!

After a very successful and creative wooden pumpkin decorating competition in October for Trunk or Treat, we are excited to announce that we will be doing a similar competition for wooden Easter eggs for the annual Easter Egg Hunts.

Registration opens on Monday, February 12 and closes on Wednesday, March 13. To register, complete the online registration form and then come to the Forest Oaks Admin Office to pay for your egg(s).

Eggs cost $10/egg and you can buy as many as you want. We accept cash, credit/debit cards, or checks for these eggs.

The deadline to submit your decorated egg is Monday, March 18 by 6 p.m. and they will be hung in the park for the week leading up to the Easter Egg Hunt event on Saturday, March 23 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Voting for eggs will take place the week leading up to the Easter Egg Hunts online and QR codes will be posted where the eggs are hung and links will be provided through email notification and on our social media pages through Monday, March 24 and winners will be announced on Tuesday, March 25.

We hope to have a lot of participation in this year's decorating competition because the pumpkins were amazing and really showed off some great creative talent in our community.

For more information about this competition and the Easter Egg Hunts, check out the event landing page on the District website under Parks and Recreation or click on this link to go straight to the page.

For any questions, please feel free to email the office at


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