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WCID110 Hurricane Beryl Updates: Friday, 7/12/24 @ 6:45 p.m.

Admin office does not have phone or internet, so we cannot answer calls or check/respond to any emails. We can only do updates remotely, so we will do our best to provide as much information as possible. Follow us on Facebook for more update @WCID110Recreation

UPDATE: Friday, July 12 @ 6:30 p.m.

Cooling Station and Electronic Device charging

  • Friday, 7/12: Clubhouse will be open from 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.​

  • Saturday, 7/13​ (if power has not been restored): Classroom at Maintenance building will be open from 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.​

    • Classroom is located at 627 Cypress Oaks Dr right next to the waste water treatment plant. Look for the orange sandwich board on Cypress Oaks and the orange sign on the glass door closest to the brick wall of the water water treatment plant.

  • Sunday, 7/14 (if power has not been restored): Clubhouse will be open from 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.​

  • Next week​ (if power has not been restored)

    • We hope all power is restored, but in the event that it is not, we will continue to have this available for as long as needed.​

  • Power​​

    • We have no updates from CenterPoint.​

    • If we get any information, we will post it immediately.

  • Water and Sewer

    • All plants, wells, and the wastewater treatment plant are working as designed.​

    • WCID110 is NOT on a notice of any kind at this time.

    • Some districts around us are on boil water notice, but they are not part of our district.​

  • Debris Pick-up​ - CHANGED DATE​

    • Saturday, July 13

    • Pile your debris as high as you can. The truck will be very large and have a huge trailer. They will use a grapple arm to grab debris and put in the trailer.

    • We will have a second round of debris pickup but do not have a secondary date as of now.

  • Forest Oaks Gym

    • Open normal hours.​​

  • Forest Oaks Tennis Courts

    • Courts are available for members from sunup to sundown. There is no power, so there will be no lights.

    • Rivera Tennis is starting back with their lessons and trainings. Contact them directly for information as they are also still using alternate courts for some days and times.

  • Forest Oaks Pool

    • Closed until further notice

    • Earliest it will open is Tuesday, July 16.

  • Forest Oaks Park

    • Parts of the park will reopen on Saturday, July 13 at around 7 a.m. If the parking lot gate is open, the park is open for use.

    • You may only enter the park through the Cypress Oaks entrance or the HOA entrance. The back entrance to the park will remain locked until we clear and clean the back of the park.

    • The only parts that will be available are from the main entrance (Cypress Oaks) to just past Pavilion 3, the playground, the upper lake, the big lake along the residential side to the big bridge, and the new lake. we have not removed all debris from all of these open areas, but the road and paths are cleared and it is safe for patrons. As always, stay off of rock structures (waterfalls, spillways, etc) and watch your step. The rain Friday afternoon brought down some new debris that we were not able to clear.

    • The bathrooms and water fountains in the park will NOT be available for several days as one tree that uprooted ruptured the water main to the park, thus no water to the bathrooms or fountains. Bring plenty of water to drink.

    • There is caution tape, orange barriers, and signs that say "No one allowed beyond this point" signifying the boundaries to the area that is open. DO NOT GO BEYOND THOSE BARRIERS. We have not finished clearing debris, removing widow-maker branches in the trees, and it is not safe for patrons. All nature trails in the woods are closed as we have not moved beyond the main areas of the park. If you are found beyond the barriers, Precinct 4 Constables may issue a trespass warning and remove you from the park. Do not let children wander off on their own.

    • Our staff is doing everything they can to get us back to fully operational in the park, but there is just such a huge amount of debris down and we are assessing every tree for widow-maker branches or other hazards.

    • We are lucky that there is no significant damage to the playground, bridges, or road from the storm.

It is safe to say that graphic design is not a skill I possess, so I am apologizing in advance for the absolutely awful map I am is the best I can do under the circumstances.


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