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Tennis Updates for 11/11/24 - LET THERE BE LIGHT(S)

Excited to announce that we finally have all eight courts available for use again!!!!

We do want to give a special and much appreciated shout out and thank you to RIVERA TENNIS ACADEMY for being so flexible and working with us through this very delayed and frustrating (but ultimately worth it) project. Also to all of our members who continued to use the courts and be accommodating and gracious with other members so everyone got to continue to play the sport they enjoy. We know this was much MUCH longer than anyone anticipated, but we ended up where we wanted to be...with four amazing courts.

Here are some updates for this week!

  • Lights will be turned on before dusk and turned off at 10 p.m.

  • Sign in sheets are located in the display case ON THE SIDE OF THE TENNIS SHED...this is a temporary location until we rebuild the fence around the light controls. Please sign in when you get here and mark the time you started so others know when your time is done.

  • Please continue to be respectful of others and allow them to finish their game.

  • Any issues, please speak with Rivera Tennis staff if they are present or email the office.

  • Pickleball Updates

    • Pickleball courts will be lined on Friday, 11/15 on Courts 7 & 8, so those two courts will be offline all day Friday.

    • Our pickleball net systems won't be available until Monday, 11/18, so if you want to play before that, you have to figure out your own net systems. We will NOT have paddles available, only the net systems.

    • Two net systems will have wheels, two will not. We are testing out different systems to see which ones we like.

    • We will post pickleball policies this week, so be on the look out. Pickleball will have time restrictions, so no pickleball before 8 a.m. and no pickleball after 9 p.m. all days of the week.


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