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Tennis Court Construction Update - 3/12/24

We have the tentative construction schedule on the District website now under District Projects / Tennis Court Construction Project page.

Tentative Schedule for Tennis Construction


  • March 18: Install construction fence, erosion control and relocate gate for courts 5-8

  • March 20: Start demo of the existing four tennis courts and sidewalks

  • March 27: Excavation

  • April 1: Installing base materials

  • April 4: Installing post tension cables and sleeves

  • April 11: Concrete pour

  • April 22: Stressing cables

  • April 23: Install the lighting

  • April 25: Install chain link fence

  • May 6: Installing sidewalks

  • May 10: Removal of construction fence and relocate the gate for courts 5-8

  • May 15: Court pavement coating

  • May 29: Install net posts and nets, windscreens

  • May 31: Jobsite clean up, sod as needed, final clean, construction fence remove

Courts 1-4 will be offline starting Monday, March 18 (next week) and the tentative schedule has construction ending May 31, but that is very dependent on the weather. Next week on Monday and Tuesday, Classic Sports will be on site and setting up safety fencing and prepping the area, so we will have new signage out directing everyone to the only facility entrance that will be available during the project...everyone has to enter through the main facility gate near the Fitness Center. About half the parking spots in the lower tennis lot will be offline during the project, so parking will be available in the park parking lot, along Cypress Oaks, and in Lemm Elementary lots after school has released for the day (usually around 4p is when that lot is clear and parents have completed pick-up).

All new temporary tennis court policies will start on Monday with the reduction of courts. The temporary policies were created with direct input from the Tennis Committee, Rivera Tennis, and tennis league captains. Those policies are on the District website under Parks and Rec / Tennis Courts and will be displayed near courts 5-8 gates. You can check the weekly court reservation and availability online through the Parks and Rec / Tennis Court page to see when courts are available. Again, during this project, there is not a guaranteed court open for walk-up tennis on all days and times, so check before coming up. Large dry erase boards that show the daily schedule and open courts will be up on courts 5/6 and 7/8 and if courts are not reserved, you have to physically sign up for it and only get up to 60 minutes regardless of singles or doubles play.

We will continue to post updates on the District website, so stay up-to-date.


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