Rivera Tennis Academy 1st Ranking Tournament
Calling all tennis enthusiasts! Registration is open for the 1st Ranking Tournament hosted by Rivera Tennis. This is a four week in-house singles tournament and will be played from Monday, August 21 through September 9 at Forest Oaks.
Format of the tournament:
8-game pro set format
Tie breakers at 7-7
Rivera Tennis will combine UTR rankings and guidance of the Rivera coaches
four different levels
one division for under 10 years old.
How to enter:
This is mandatory for all juniors enrolled in the program.
Entry Fee: $5 for Junior Program participants, $30 for all others
Email Rivera Tennis at riveratennis@gmail.com or call/text them at 281-742-0101
Rewards will be given for only Level 1 division. Prize money of $60 for the winners!!! Other categories will receive medals and prizes from Rivera sponsors.
How will this be scheduled?
Flexible match scheduling.
All matches will take place outside of practice hours, ensuring everyone has a chance to compete without impacting their training routine.
You will submit your availability to Ivett and she will work with everyone on their schedules.
For more information or to register, contact Ivett at the information under How to Enter.