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Reminder about limbs and debris Best Trash Requirements

Friendly reminder that any yard debris (limbs, branches, leaves, gras clippings, etc.) have to be either bundled or bagged for Best Trash to pick them up during their service rounds. If the debris is left in a pile, it will NOT be picked up.

Best Trash website explains bundles as:

  • "Bundles Trees. Shrubs and brush trimmings or newspapers and magazines neatly stacked and tied/secured, forming an easily handled package not exceeding four feet (4') in length or forty (40) pounds in weight, and tree limbs not exceeding three inches (3") in diameter.

  • Yard Waste. All tree trimmings, grass cuttings, plants, weeds, leaves, dead trees or branches thereof, sawdust, limbs less than one three inches (3") in diameter, brush or clippings placed in containers, Bags or Bundles

If you still have items that are larger than that (tree trunks sections or very large branches), Best Trash is not responsible for removing those and the resident will need to find a company to do the removal.

Visit Best Trash website for specifics on trash collection and Heavy Trash and Bulk Items.


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