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Newest addition of WCID110 Potpourri is available online and NOT in your water bill

We want to apologize for the repeated copy of the Potpourri from Dec 23/Jan 24 being in your latest water bill. We did not submit the latest edition in time for them to print and include it so you will not get a physical copy of it.

The potpourri is available on our website under District Communications and scroll down to District Monthly Potpourri section and click on the image of the latest edition or click on this link to take to the page. We have also attached it to this email.

We do apologize for this issue and it won't happen again.

Potpourri - Jan. Feb 2024_Updated FINAL 1.3.24
Download PDF • 3.13MB

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In Existence Since May 9th 1968 Harris County WCID #110 All Rights Reserved.

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