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National Night Out update at 4:15p

First off, no one can complain about any amount of rain. It stinks it is impacting our event, but we will still take it with smiles.

National Night Out is still happening but the radar shows rain will continue for a couple of hours into the event. Good news is that we are set up under the main pavilion so it’s not raining under here.

Woodalls BBQ is here and prepping their trailer now, so food will be served starting at 6p. Drinks are iced down. Music is playing (little Turnpike Troubadours right now with rain and thunder in the background..actually quite peaceful).

We will still have face-painters here from 6-8p. We won’t set up a lot of the games or inflatables in the parking lots until we see what the weather Is going to let us do, so those are very iffy right now. We will set up what we can under the pavilion.

If you want to come but can’t stay, you are welcome to come and get food and drinks and head home. There is no drive through or temporary parking. Still have to park where you can and walk to the pavilion to get stuff.

Sorry for the long update, but main point is we will be here, celebrating our community and local law enforcement and fire department, and eating some of the best BBQ in Texas.


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