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Lights for Lemm - Unwanted holiday lights accepted at Lemm to benefit students and the Houston Zoo

Lemm Elementary School has a partnership with the Houston Zoo which allows Lemm to have amazing field trips at no cost to parents and they get VIP zoo experiences for students.

This next year (January 2024) Lemm will be collecting old Christmas lights to protect the local habitats of bobcats, turtles, and foxes.

So please bring your broken or unwanted lights to Lemm Elementary from now until January 10 or you can drop them off OR you can bring them to the Forest Oaks Clubhouse during normal business hours (Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.) and we can take them to Lemm for you...whatever is easier!

Lemm will also be collecting handheld electronic devices all year. Here are the devices that can be recycled through the zoo...Cell phones, Smart phones, iPods or other MP3 players, iPads or other tablets, WIFI hot spots, Handheld gaming devices, GPS, Electronic accessories such as chargers, blue tooth headsets, etc.


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