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Its Bingo Time at Forest Oaks - Wednesday, August 21 from 6 - 7:30 p.m.

It is time to dust off your Bingo skills and come join Forest Oaks for our first Bingo event of the year!!!

Dates and times: Wednesday, August 21 from 6 - 7:30 p.m.

Location: Forest Oaks Clubhouse

Parking: If you are an active club member, you can park in the upper parking lots nearest the clubhouse. If you are not an active club member, please park in the lower tennis court parking lots.

How to register:

  • We must have at least 10 participants pre-registered by noon the day prior to our event dates. If we do not have 10, we will cancel the event.

  • You can pre-register one of three ways:


  • All entry fees and additional cards can be paid for prior to the start of the event. Just show up 5-10 minutes early to get that taken care of.

  • $5 entry fee and you get one card per game (each card has 3 boards on it). You can reuse the same card each game or switch them out whenever you want.

  • $1 for each additional card you want to purchase. Additional cards are only good for one game, so if you want to play additional cards each game, you would have to buy one for $1 for each game.


  • Covered by your entry fee; assorted snacks will be provided but no meal; drinks are available and include water, soda, and coffee.


  • 10 total games will be played.

  • Game format will be decided by the players. We normally mix up the game format to include regular Bingo, four corners, hashtag, picture frame, and black out.


  • Assorted $10 and $15 gift cards from local businesses.

  • Last game of the night will be a $50 Visa gift card to the first Bingo (we go by the first Bingo we hear if there are multiple Bingos at once).


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