Forest Oaks Pool - Reminders about Pool Policies and Change to Pool Hours for Saturday, May 25
Just a friendly reminder that the Forest Oaks Pool Opens for the season on Saturday, May 25 for all members and their paid guests. We are very excited for the summer to start!!!!
We do have a change in pool hours for Saturday, May 25. We normally do not have enough guards to open at our normal Saturday times because of their participation on swim teams, but this year we are not in that situation. The pool will be open from 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. on Saturday, May 25. All communications, potpourri's, and the latest newsletter say it doesn't open until 4 p.m., but this is a very recent adjustment we have been able to make.
Pool Hours for Summer 2024
Memorial Day Weekend
Saturday, May 25 - 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Sunday, May 26 - noon - 6 p.m.
Memorial Day Pool Bash from noon - 3 p.m. - Woodall's BBQ, drinks, games, music, and more at the Main Pavilion. Food is free for all WCID110 residents and their paid guests.
Inflatable water slide will be available on the pool deck from noon - 6 p.m.
Monday, May 27 (Memorial Day) - noon - 6 p.m.
Normal Pool Hours
Tuesdays - Saturdays: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Sundays: noon - 6 p.m.
Mondays: closed for staff training and development
Adjust pool hours for Forest Oaks Swim Team
Saturday, June 1 - last home meet of the year, so pool will open for all members from 4 - 9 p.m.
All other Swim Meet Saturdays will be normal Saturday pool hours: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
All materials we have sent in recent weeks are now incorrect for swim meet days except for June 1 as it is a home meet.
Before coming to the pool, make sure you:
Have an active membership.
If you are currently not an active member,
you can use any previous email from SQUARE to renew on your own, OR
you can come to the office and renew in person.
Forest Oaks Admin Office Expanded Hours are Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. (Saturday hours only through June 8)
Pay for guest passes in the office or you can pay the lifeguards at the pool entrance.
Guards have limited change, so if possible bring small bills or exact amounts needed.
Parking at Forest Oaks
If you do not have a member parking tag, you cannot park in the upper parking lots.
Lower tennis parking is available but you must walk up to the main facility entrance near the fitness center as the lower tennis gates are not available.
There is no parking allowed along the brick retaining walls, so you must park in a legal parking spot.
Bring all the items you need:
Member ID's and access cards for all members.
Proper swim attire
Forest Oaks Pool is a family-friendly facility and patrons are expected to wear appropriate swim apparel and clothing at all times. Any questionable swim attire will be addressed by Forest Oaks lifeguards and the ultimate decision will be made by the Life Guards on duty.
For any questions about proper swim attire, please go to the pool policies on our website (linked below)
Towels, sunglasses, hats, sunscreen, water, goggles.
Make sure you have everything you brought before you leave.
Approved life vests are available for check out at no cost from the life guards, just ask them if you need it.
Review pool policies before coming to the facility and go over them with younger kids so everyone know them
All Child safety policies are in effect at all times, including mandatory swim tests for kids 11 or younger before they enter the pool.
An adult must accompany children under the age of six (6) in the water at all times. That adult must be physically in the water and not sitting on the edge of the pool and the adult’s attention must be on the child at all times.
There is a limit of three (3) children under the age of six (6) per one (1) adult.
Children wearing flotation devices must be within arm’s reach of their parent, legal guardian, or adult guardian at all times while in the water.
If you have young kids or weak swimmers who do not pass the swim test, they must be actively supervised AT ALL TIMES by and adult, including an adult being in the water with them no more than 10 feet away at all times
The most basic pool-specific policies can be found on our website:
To view the entire Forest Oaks Policies and Procedures, you can view on our website:
Lifeguards are the authority at the pool
Listen to any instructions or requests given by guards.
Listen for whistles
one short blast is a guard trying to get the attention of someone
One long whistle where sound goes up and then down means pool is open, safety break time, or pool is closing
One long whistle blast - guard is responding to a non-life threatening emergency.
Two long whistle blasts - guard is responding to a life-threatening emergency, so clear the pool and stay out of the way.
We know this is a lot for a WELCOME SUMMER 2024 post, but we want to make sure everyone knows basic info before arriving!!! Can't wait to see everyone this summer!!!!
