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Enchanted Oaks Sewer Rehabilitation Project

Enchanted Oaks Dr. Project - 7/10 - 8/14 Updated Wednesday, 7/12/23

WCID110 and Langford Engineering have contracted with T Construction, LLC for a major sewer rehabilitation project that began on Monday, July 10, 2023.

The overall rehabilitation project will include the sewer rehab of more streets, but we have confirmed the dates of construction along Enchanted Stream. When we have confirmed dates for the remainder of the project, we will continue to IMPORTANT NOTICES section of the website and the maps outlining the project.

For residents who live on Enchanted Stream Dr., both north and south of Cypresswood Dr., please be aware the construction project is starting on the northern most residential property and working its way to the southern most end. The map in this post is a PDF of the project. The map provides the dates for when specific residential properties can expect to have the construction team working in their area.

For questions, please email us at or call 281-353-0998.


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In Existence Since May 9th 1968 Harris County WCID #110 All Rights Reserved.

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