Electronic Water Meter Installation Has Started
MOC has started to install the first three pallets of electronic water meters we have received. We will continue to receive more pallets in the coming months, so installation of these meters will take several months for all residential meters. MOC is also cleaning out all residential water meter boxes prior to the installs so the installers can be more efficient. You do not need to be home when installation occurs and it takes MOC about 30-45 minutes to install one meter.
When your new meter is installed, MOC will leave a door hanger on your door alerting you that the meter is installed. Once your meter is installed, you can then download the EyeOnWater app to your smartphone and create your account. Once your account is created in the EyeOnWater app, you will be able to set up alerts, run data reports, and track your usage as frequently as you like.
You cannot pay your water bill through the EyeOnWater app. Also, EyeOnWater is NOT MOC, so any water issues need to go to MOC directly either by phone or through the MOC website. This EyeOnWater app is only for tracking water usage and setting up personal alerts.
We have created a landing page on the District website with instructions for creating your account once you have the new meter. Biggest thing to remember when creating your EyeOnWater account is when putting in your account number, you need to use the entire MOC account number, including the six digits before the hyphen and the 10 digits after the hyphen (123456 - 1234567890)
If you have questions or issues with the app, you can visit the EyeOnWater website for assistance. MOC and the WCID110 Admin Office will not be able to help troubleshoot issues with the app as it is not our app. All detected or suspected leaks need to be reported to MOC directly by calling MOC at 281-367-5511.
For more information, go to our District website and click on Important Notices and scroll down to the darker blue section labeled Electronic Water Meters.